Our busy Junior Infants
Dear Parents,
We are living through strange and challenging times. We are thinking of you all and we truly miss your children.
Your child’s teacher has prepared work until Friday week. I must stress that this is a suggested scheme of work. Please do not feel under any pressure to complete the work. We understand that some of you are working long hours on front-line and essential services, others are caring for elderly family members and there are many more circumstances that prohibit you from engaging with this work. Please know that we are fully supportive of these situations. These are stressful times and it is not our intention to increase the stress in any house. Please do not worry about your child falling behind. When we return to school, rest assured that the experience and skill-set of our teachers will ensure that all gaps in learning will be bridged. Any work that you can complete at home is of course most appreciated.
As you know by now, school closures are now in place until Sunday April 19th. However, as a school we need to plan for the possibility that this closure could be further extended. If this turns out to be the case, we plan to create a ‘Google Classroom’ for each class. This is a virtual online classroom where your child’s teacher will communicate with your child. Further details on how to log into the classroom will be emailed to you over Easter (if the school remains closed). The teachers will upload their suggested weekly timetables on this virtual classroom each Monday morning (that the school remains closed). You can work solely on these timetables and use their books (as you have been doing) or you can avail of this additional support from your class teacher. Logging onto a virtual online classroom is not a requirement but instead it is an additional option that we wish to provide for families.
Each child will be provided with an email address and you can email their teacher between 9.30am and 3pm each working day. We expect that the majority of queries will be similar in nature and will not need an individual reply as the teacher will reply to common queries in a general post to everyone. Some emails from parents (perhaps of a more sensitive nature) will get a reply from the teacher between 9.30am and 3pm.
I wish to sincerely thank the teaching staff who have embraced the idea of a virtual classroom. This is a new concept for us all in the Primary Sector. All the teachers are currently engaging in training in the area of ‘Digital Distance Learning’. The teachers are committed to best supporting your child. I am privileged to work with such caring and professional teachers.
I also want to thank the SNAs, Mike and Agnes. All of whom were instrumental in ensuring your child left school on Thursday March 12th with adequate work to progress their learning at home until Friday April 3rd. Team support and collegiality is alive and well in Cullina!
I wish to conclude by thanking you for your understanding and support during this difficult time. Our Board of Management, our staff and I are committed to helping your child. Your health and the health of your family is your priority. We will provide the suggested work but you will decide what is best for your circumstances. We really look forward to opening the school doors soon to your beautiful children, we miss the sound of their laughter in the corridors.
Guím gach dea-rath oraibh go léir,
Le Buíochas,
Leona Twiss