Beaufort, Killarney
Co. Kerry, Ireland

Health Promotion Flag

Health Promotion

Cullina N.S. is proud to be a Health Promoting school. Its status as a Health Promoting School was first achieved in 2008 and we were one of the first schools in Kerry to do so.

We achieved our Health Promotion Flag in 2015. There has always been a huge emphasis on healthy eating and exercise in Cullina N.S.

Healthy eating is encouraged through various subjects and there are many healthy eating activities carried out in each classroom.

In the second term of this school year there will be a healthy eating week, which will encourage the pupils to be more conscious of what they eat as well as give them more ideas for healthy snacks and lunches.

Physical activity is very important also. Children take part regularly in team sports with the senior classes engaging in football and basketball blitzes as well as receiving training in football and rugby by outside coaches. Classes from Junior Infants to Fifth take part in dancing and aerobics classes on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Senior classes also receive tuition in aquatics with each senior class getting their turn to go each Friday to the swimming pool in the Coral Leisure Centre Killarney.

Cullina N.S. is also proud to promote positive mental health among the entire school community and holds many seminars and workshops as well as holding a Friendship Week and a Anti Cyber Bullying Week.

Keep an eye out for more exciting Health Promotion Activites!!!